4 Posts
wrote on 23.06.17 at 07:14
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i am using streamWriter for quite some time now, working well recording metal genre.

In the last month i saw some radio stations using a mix out of "normal" and "strange" file names like this (which i thing is not a streamWriter problem):

artist - title.mp3 (what i expect)
title - artist.mp3 (not good)
@ artist - title +.mp3 (all not good)
@ artist - title @.mp3
@ title - artist +.mp3
@ title - artist @.mp3

and other combinations.

I use some scripting to filter the recorded mp3 files, e.g. sorting out unwanted artists, and especially the wrong order of title and artist causes problems, because i can not know if the file i process is correctly named (artist - title) or not (title - artist) so i may filter on the wrong name part.

The filename settings are okay (%streamname%\%artist% - %title%)

One of the stations using this mixed format is MetalWar.

I don't think this is a streamWriter issue, it is the radio station that fills artist and title (am i correct?!?).
Beside not to record these stations, is there anything that makes streamWriter detect if the filename is in the correct order or not? Anyone else encountered this ?!?

Regards, Stefan
17 Posts
wrote on 23.06.17 at 15:49 last edited by gargamel on 23.06.17 at 16:09
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Hello MrButcher,
I don't think this is a streamWriter issue, it is the radio station that fills artist and title (am i correct?!?).
Yes, Many (over 4000) stations from "Radionomy" Radio-Service do it! You can watch it in Log Tab at streamWriter in play/record modes.

You can automatic remove the chars "*+@" with the following regular expression edited by Yo24hua (author here in forum/board):

(?i)((\*|\+|\@)\s*)?(Various - )?(?P<a>.*?) - (?P<t>.*?)( - Various)?(\s*(\*|\+|\@))

Right click over the station in the left window side from streamWriter, go to "Settings -> Recordings -> Advanced" then you copy and paste the regular expression line to the "Regular expression to add" field. It works in the next recording sessions.

For the swapping between:
You can do nothing!