2 Posts
wrote on 14.03.16 at 15:39 last edited by xzxz879 on 15.03.16 at 08:58
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Is it possible to create a schedule recording (not separated tracks) between 00.00.00 - 23.59.59?
If I try to use 00.00 - 00.00 it won't be a new file each day.
2538 Posts
wrote on 28.03.16 at 21:24
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Just disable "Save separate tracks" for the specific stream in the settings and configure the recording from 00.00 - 23.59 as you said. On the other hand I know scheduled recordings sometimes have issues, so it could be a bug…
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell
