90 Posts
wrote on 04.05.11 at 00:01 last edited by Marc on 04.05.11 at 00:06
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I've been a long time user of radiosure and I'm trying to do the transition to streamwriter… I'm trying to get a similar functionality to radiosure related to the "add saved songs to ignore list" and "save only whole songs" settings so I have to ask:

Is it possible or planned to add anytime an option for using the ignorelist in a per stream basis? Right now if "add to ignore list saved tracks" is selected, if the same song (artist - title) is played in another radio it won't be recorded (sometimes it turns they are different versions…). radiosure in this sense has the option "don't save a track if it already exists" that provides a similar functionality but in a per radio basis. Does the filter work with the titles of the songs or with both artist and title?

Also I find very cool the option to only save whole songs which is not available in radiosure. I've one caveat though, in the case a song doesn't get recorded completely I would rather keep the partial recording than having nothing… So would be possible to implement a way of saving as well partial recordings with some sort of mark, without adding them to the ignore list. Maybe with a suffix in the filename… In radiosure I have to manually detect partial recordings (which is a pain) based on the total connected time/last disconnection, the duration of the songs and comparing the creation/modification dates of the adjacent songs which should match (the modified date of the first song with the creation date of the next one). When I find one I add an "-" sign to the end of the filename so that radiosure doesn’t consider the track as already existing (and I can remember as well).

I'm hoping to fully replace radiosure with streamwriter… Thank you.

2549 Posts
wrote on 04.05.11 at 01:51
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Hi Marc!

First of all, I would appreciate your move to streamWriter while I never used radiosure!
The ignore list on a per-stream base could be added. I will create an issue, but don't expect that feature to get into streamWriter very soon, because the current priority is solving some crashes of the application and releasing a new version..
The second thing pointed out by you is pretty easy. I will add an issue for this, too. If I understand that correctly, you only want incomplete songs to get a filename that indicates "this song is not complete". That will become an option for the settings.

Have fun using streamWriter and kind regards,

LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

90 Posts
wrote on 05.05.11 at 21:29 last edited by Marc on 06.05.11 at 10:14
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Cool :D
IMHO streamwriter is rapidly becoming my fav. radio app…

"If I understand that correctly, you only want incomplete songs to get a filename that indicates "this song is not complete""
Yes and not to add them to the ignore list so that they may be recorded again (while using "automatically add saved songs to ignore list").

Thanks again :)

2549 Posts
wrote on 06.05.11 at 21:58 last edited by alex on 06.05.11 at 21:58
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i added an issue for this, see Also I wrote "Or disable adding of incomplete files (to ignorelist) completely." in the issue because adding them to the list does not make any sense at all I think.

LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

90 Posts
wrote on 08.05.11 at 03:46
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"Also I wrote "Or disable adding of incomplete files (to ignorelist) completely." in the issue because adding them to the list does not make any sense at all I think. "
No, it doesn't… I meant the first (disable adding).

Thank you =)

2549 Posts
wrote on 08.05.11 at 00:25
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That's should be implemented in the newest build and will be officially available in version
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

90 Posts
wrote on 11.05.11 at 02:29 last edited by Marc on 11.05.11 at 02:39
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Thank you =)