8 Posts
wrote on 29.07.11 at 07:40
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Normally when I plud in my headset while listening to any audio, it automatically shuts down the SPEAKERS and turns on the HEADSET so that I can listen to something while everybody else is doing something else. Now I have tested many times and this does not work with STREAMWRITER. I have to exit STREAMWRITER, plug in the HEADSET FIRST and then load again STREAMWRITER and then it works ok: that is headset on and speakers off.
I think this should be fixed.
2549 Posts
wrote on 30.07.11 at 13:20
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I will open an issue for that. Will hopefully be fixed in the next weeks.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

5 Posts
wrote on 08.02.13 at 01:23
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ist mir auch schon aufgefallen.

warum wurde dieser bug aufgegeben?
2549 Posts
wrote on 08.02.13 at 22:53
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Ich kann das hier nicht nachvollziehen (auf drei verschiedenen PCs getestet) das umschalten hat bei den letzten Tests immer funktioniert… Da ist es schwierig dem Problem auf die Spur zu kommen:-|
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell
