2 Beiträge
schrieb am 13.12.19 um 11:54 Uhr
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Good day,

I normally listen to some stations as I work at my PC.
When I hear a great track, I normally add the top 5-7 track of the artist to the automatic recording wishlist.
I then burn the saved tracks on CD, for my ancient car player.
Usually, some of the selected and saved tracks are not to my liking, and I want to delete them from the hard drive.
The best ways to do it is by listening to the saved tracks as I work, and click on some "Delete track" button, which I did when I had Windows XP and Winamp File Deleter plugin. The plugin does not work on Win 10.
I tried deleting in Streamwriter's saved songs player, it does delete the files, but the trouble is that the currently played track gradually drifts down, below the window area, and the cursor remains on the track that I initially started playing. In order to delete the played track I must first scroll to it, which is a PITA.

My request: Please introduce 2 buttons - 1) "Delete the currently played track"; 2) "Move the currently played track to the favourites folder". )Actually, these are the features of Winamp File Deleter plugin, which made it immensely popular.) It would also be great to have these functions accessible via a right-click on the system tray icon or the taskbar icon.

Thank you.
192 Beiträge
schrieb am 22.12.19 um 16:14 Uhr
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nemadeka meinte:

Verschiedenes zur Auswahl gespeicherter Titel.

Da streamWriter derzeit kaum weiterentwickelt wird, empfehle ich, das Problem vorerst mit anderen freien Programmen zu lösen.
Hierzu könnten alle neuen Titel in ein temporäres Verzeichnis verschoben und dort mit einem beliebigen Wiedergabeprogramm (empfehlenswert ist u.a. AIMPPortable) gehört/gelöscht und abschließend alles in ein anderes Verzeichnis verschoben werden.
2 Beiträge
schrieb am 10.02.20 um 00:59 Uhr
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I never thought about it.