45 Beiträge
schrieb am 02.01.17 um 23:00 Uhr zuletzt bearbeitet von radiodaz am 02.01.17 um 23:21 Uhr
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* I posted the issue in the Original Play Scroller update.

Right now the scroller is too long to click from track to track.

* Currently with 1000's of songs in my record list, I was able to use a 2" wide mouse scroll diameter to: play song…click middle of song…click next…scroll middle of song…next etc…very quickly!…Now I need to move mouse over to far left just to hear the song quickly…then I have to move the mouse to the other side of my screen to bring the song to desktop or Keep the song in a folder etc.

* I had been able to scroll through song titles quickly with the smaller play scroller, without too long mouse movements across the screen in very little time, my song lists reach 10,000…tahts alot of songs to search and add to music library's!…the larger scroll tracker takes too long to move mouse to click/Hear/next/click hear next etc…in a very short time…this is no longer possible or aseasy on my Wrist with mouse movement being Longer to get to middle of song then drag to Folders etc.

QUESTION: Can you please include an Feature / option for a small play scroller?

I understand itunes and other players have this feature…but you are not searching/ choosing songs to add to your music library. You are more so playing the song, and conveniently adjusting the play scroller accordingly.

I hope this feature can be updated or added to the software.

Very Good Software!!

Thank you!
33 Beiträge
schrieb am 28.02.17 um 00:06 Uhr
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If you grab the right side of the StreamWriter window and drag it to narrow the window the scrollbar will become shorter too.
45 Beiträge
schrieb am 01.03.17 um 02:18 Uhr
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* I need stream writer open full screen.
33 Beiträge
schrieb am 02.03.17 um 02:21 Uhr
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You could adjust the acceleration of your mouse or touchpad. I can move the cursor from one end of the scrollbar by moving my finger about an inch on my touchpad.