33 Beiträge
schrieb am 17.07.16 um 03:28 Uhr
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I use StreamWriter for recording 1 or 2 hour programs. It is very frustrating to try to find a specific point in the program when the player's scrollbar (progress bar?) is so short and its indicator so wide. There is easily enough room to make the bar twice as long. Is there any way this can be easily done?
2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 23.07.16 um 16:38 Uhr
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I have put this on my TODO list. I will post here when it's done but it can take a while…
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 23.07.16 um 19:25 Uhr
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LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

33 Beiträge
schrieb am 18.10.16 um 02:38 Uhr
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I am running version 'Tranquillo' build 730. It says there are no newer versions and I don't see any difference since I first asked. The player's scrollbar is still only about half as long as it could be in the space available and it is still difficult to move it by less than 5 minutes when the program is an hour or more long.
2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 18.10.16 um 10:12 Uhr zuletzt bearbeitet von alex am 18.10.16 um 15:29 Uhr
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There is no official version of it. Get the newest build from here:
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

50 Beiträge
schrieb am 02.01.17 um 16:44 Uhr
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* The player scroller is too long now.

Can you create the option to shrink it back to the previous size format?

Before I was able to scroll through a song quickly within 2-3 inches with the mouses cursor etc, now I have to jump…/ use my wrist and swing to the far left…just to grab the song and bring it to the Desk top. Far more wrist work, that can be uncomfortable and now, requires a longer time to do so.

*NOTE: When the scroll bar was small I was able to quickly scroll through the track and pick the song (scroll play>click next scroll play>next etc then move to desktop)…now I have to use my wrist more and move the mouse further…to go through 1000's of songs…* I could fly through 1000 songs in an hour, now its going to be longer!;-).

Can you update the player so it has the option to chose which Scroll Bar length you require?

* For some it is a convenience, if your in a rush to pick the tracks you require physically it will take longer. * Please try and update this.

*I've tried using a previous version of Stream Writer (Without uninstalling) and it has still enabled the new Long scroll bar version.

*Can you post a link with a Version of Stream Writer that does not have the long scroll bar. Or can you make it an option to have either one you chose.

Thank you!
33 Beiträge
schrieb am 28.02.17 um 23:54 Uhr zuletzt bearbeitet von SidecarBob am 28.02.17 um 23:57 Uhr
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I am used to forums that send an email when there is a reply so I did not check back and did not notice that you had posted a link to the version with the longer player:-[

Anyway, I just replaced my Windows XP computers with ones that have Windows 10. When I installed StreamWriter on them I found a number of changes including the longer scroll bar for the player. Thank you very much. It is much easier to use now.

Radiodaz: If you grab the right side of the StreamViewer window and drag it smaller the scroll bar will shorten in proportion.
50 Beiträge
schrieb am 01.03.17 um 02:24 Uhr
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* I need stream writer in full screen mode ( Or at least 70% screen size)

* I dont have a problem with a larger scroll bar.

iTunes has one as well that extend the entire page area.

The issue is when picking tracks, I have to rech over with my wrist to get to center of track then move all the way back to hit the next button etc. It really makes it a longer process.

There should be 2 scroll bar sizes availble if possible.

1 short size for quick track picking.
Another Long scroll size for General music listening etc.