50 Beiträge
schrieb am 13.12.13 um 17:59 Uhr
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* I would like to be able to transfer files from Stream writer to an External Drive …but when I attempt to do so (while the file is playing), stream writer says file is being used by Stream writer.

* This does not occur when I transfer the file to the Desktop while the music file is playing.

System setup:

Drive C: Stream writer installed
Drive E: Stream writer file folder storage location.
Drive E: Folder location to transfer specific music file type.

Can you please allow Stream Writer to transfer music file to external drive while it's playing the file? I have an ssd as an OS and would like to limit the amount of writes to the desktop when choosing music files.
2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 13.12.13 um 22:19 Uhr
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Are you talking about copying or moving files?
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

50 Beiträge
schrieb am 14.12.13 um 03:35 Uhr
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Well Here's a better explanation:

I'm in stream writers song list menu> I'm playing a track/file with stream writer> I can pull and move that track to my desk top (It actually creates a double file because the original track is on another drive and windows duplicates files when moving to different drives). So now the file is on the desktop. I then take that specific file and place it into a personalized folder with specific music file types into another drive) ~ Done. ( I then erase the file from Stream writer)

* What the issue happens to be is…when I am playing a file with stream writer> When I attempt to move it directly to the folder I want it to go to, Stream Writer~ shows a pop up window "Stream writer will not move the file because it is being used in Stream Writer)(Try Again).

Why is it not allowing me to move the file while it's being played> but allows it to be moved when its sent to the desktop?

50 Beiträge
schrieb am 17.12.13 um 01:18 Uhr
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2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 20.12.13 um 02:21 Uhr zuletzt bearbeitet von alex am 20.12.13 um 02:21 Uhr
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I'm sorry, but I only answer when I have the time to do so and when I am in the right mood. It's not because I am not interested in you or this topic. streamWriter is just not my top priority anymore and I have other things to do…

Anyway, the difference of your described cases is that, if I understood you right, in the first case ("move that track to my desktop") a copy is created - you used the word "move" but the file does not get moved, it only gets copied - I think this is Windows default behavior when the destination is on another disk, i.e. dragging and dropping a file from C:\ to D:\. This means Windows reads the file and creates a new one on the desktop. This is no problem because the file does not need to be deleted after the operation. The other case means that Windows tries to create a new file and delete the original file (move the file, not copy) which fails because the file is in use by streamWriter. This is something I cannot change because the file needs to be opened by the player (an external library/.dll) which I cannot change.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

50 Beiträge
schrieb am 24.12.13 um 17:18 Uhr
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