5 Beiträge
schrieb am 21.02.13 um 16:38 Uhr
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- More powerful naming, right now date and time format is pretty strict and I would love to have opportunity to name timestamps like this: streamname_ddmmyy_hhmm or foobar_dd-mm-yyyy or something else… right now I'm forced to use only this dd-mm-yy and which quite often doesn't satisfy my needs…
- Option to define this naming format for automated captures (different naming for different captures). For example, I have automated capture for radio stream during certain times and I'm doing one big clip, not separate tracks. Therefore I'll need to name this certain capture with specific name like radiostation_dd_mm_yyyy when I may have some other station also in capture and with it, I would like to use foobar-dd-mm-yy_hhmmss … right now, I can't use different rule for different captures…

Would it be possible to make this filenaming for dynamic?

Thank you SO much, this software is such a nice tool which I would love to see evolving even futher!
2549 Beiträge
schrieb am 24.02.13 um 23:11 Uhr
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Your first point is not that hard to implement and there was another user some time ago who suggested this feature. It is now on my TODO list.
The second suggestion is not that easy to do and I can't say if I will implement this. I put in on my list too but don't wait for this feature.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

1 Beitrag
schrieb am 27.02.13 um 22:35 Uhr
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Hi alex,

really nice work what you did here, for now just one small suggestion, could you implement somewhere under settings a small text-box or something for custom User Agent entries… that would be nice:-)thanx

2549 Beiträge
schrieb am 05.03.13 um 22:22 Uhr
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It's on my list, but may take a while.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell
