2538 Beiträge
schrieb am 10.11.10 um 19:11 Uhr
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No problem:-)
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

Abe Sahrani
schrieb am 12.11.10 um 15:58 Uhr
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hallo again …

if you don't mind…could you explain if i wanna parsing channel stream from shoutcast..???

i just got url xml genre group from shoutcast

and for the details"genre name" without quotes

2538 Beiträge
schrieb am 12.11.10 um 19:32 Uhr
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I thought about your question but I don't know exactly what you want..:-P
You can retrieve the stations as you explained and get the corresponding playlist (the thing you can feed streamWriter with) by using for example, where id is the id field you get using the second link you posted.
I have set up "my own shoutcast" because I don't think those people like it if streamWriter hammers their servers..
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

Abe Sahrani
schrieb am 13.11.10 um 02:39 Uhr
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sorry for my incomplete explanation…

i just want to try get list of channel from the shoutcast..not hammer their server,
but i already did it with another xml component..

thanks again….
2538 Beiträge
schrieb am 13.11.10 um 22:54 Uhr
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If you downloaded the XML (I download it using my THTTPThread) and want to parse it, it's easy. Take a look at HomeCommunication.pas, for example procedure TGetStreamsThread.DoDisconnected - it parses XML from the server and displays it in the streambrowser. It's the same thing in procedure TGetGenresThread.DoDisconnected where all received genres are parsed.
Does this help you? I'm wondering what you are trying to achieve, so I might provide better help.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

Abe Sahrani
schrieb am 14.11.10 um 04:56 Uhr
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tq again…u're really kind to me…:D

i just want to change the radio genre which load from with this

and if that success..i'll continue try to parse the radio stations …

but you know … i'm not good enought to do it..especially working with xml …


2538 Beiträge
schrieb am 15.11.10 um 19:28 Uhr
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HomeCommunication.pas does all the stuff you want. You will have to modify THomeCommunication.GetGenres and TGetGenresThread.DoDisconnected. Modify the URL in GetGenres and change XML parsing in DoDisconnected so that the genres from shoutcast are read. There's already code that shows how to parse XML that should be adaptable to your needs.
It's (nearly) the same for getting the streams I think, but there might be a difference. streamWriter loads only as many streams it can display in the list, I don't know if you can tell the shoutcast server something like "I want to get streams 100 to 120 of genre xyz", not "I want to get all streams of genre xyz".

HTH and have a nice day:-)
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

Abe Sahrani
schrieb am 16.11.10 um 02:13 Uhr
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thx man….it means lot…

shoutcast handles for requesting channel with limit example if i just wanna show only 500 channel

it can be done with

add &limit=%d to limit xml entry results where %d is the number of items to return
2538 Beiträge
schrieb am 16.11.10 um 21:18 Uhr
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If it is possible to supply not just the count to retrieve but also the offset from where to retrieve, it should be very easy to integrate the shoutcast database into streamWriter. Otherwise, the control that shows the channels would need to be changed.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell
