5 Beiträge
schrieb am 25.08.11 um 18:27 Uhr
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In First, I would like to praise this work! Very nice Job!

Recording sky.fm radio, I have notice that there are no silence between musics, and the songs are cutted early.

So in this case, to avoid the early cut of music 1, we go to >File>Settings>Cut>"If no silence was found append buffer to start end of (xx) seconds", and set about 3 secs.

The problem is: in music two, is recorded the end of music 1.

So, in my opinion, there are two solutions:

Solution 1: Add a "offset", adding x secs at end of record 1 and cutting x secs of record 2.

Solution 2: In the field "If no silence was found append buffer to start/end of (xx) seconds", replace with individual values. It would be:

"If no silence was found add(+) or remove(-) buffer at:

start: (xx) milisseconds
end : (xx) milisseconds"

So with this individuals settings, we can cut automatticaly x secs of the undesired start of record 2 and add the missing end of music 1 on record 1.

At the time, I hope that my contribution help to improve this wonderful project and I will be glad if it will be implemented.

Best regards

Offset.png (28,8 KB, 1750 mal heruntergeladen)
2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 25.08.11 um 21:59 Uhr
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First of all, thank you for your nice words:-)

"Recording sky.fm radio, I have notice that there are no silence between musics, and the songs are cutted early."

Could you tell me what SKY.fm stream you are listening to? There are 7 ones in the browser. I'm asking you so that I can test it myself. Not because I have too much time, but because a recently introduced feature is involved and I think this is a good possibility for me to test it before writing a small how-to that might get into the documentation for the next streamWriter-Version.
So, just tell me what stream it exactly is and I will see what we can do about it.

LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

5 Beiträge
schrieb am 25.08.11 um 23:44 Uhr
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Tanks for the reply Alex!

The stream I'm using is Sky Top Hits. Because I'm a premium user, the stream is different, with more quality, and the tags is sent according with the music played, unlike the commercials tags in the public access.

In the list of the program, the sky stream is public and due to this the music tag split is not allowed.

But the premium sky stream don't have difference from one another stream that is public, but send the music tags too.

The problem is that the musics in this stream don't have defined blank spaces between it. So the cutting process is due to tags sents.

In the recorded music, I've noticed that music ends about 3 secs early in most cases, when come the tag from the another music. To solve this, I've checked the option to append the buffer 3 secs in the edges (start/end).

So the end of music is guaranteed this way, but the option add too 3 secs in the start of the music. So, when I play the record, there's 3 secs of the end of the latest music in the beginnig of the record, before start the music in question.

There's something in this way to avoid this problem in the StreamRipper Winamp plugin, where we can adjust the "Offset". If help, check it on google.

My idea applied in StreamWriter is split the start/end added bufferin two separate variables: Start and end, and enable the negative values of this variables for cut.

The offset can be made in this case setting for example start=500 e end=-500. I think that it would be an useful adjustement to improve the program.

If you need, please reply or send a email…


2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 26.08.11 um 12:47 Uhr
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Hi Leo,

here comes the solution (I hope). Get the newest build from the downloads. You can replace your existing streamwriter.exe with the file from the archive. Then start it and right click the SKY.fm stream and select "Settings…", this shows the stream-specific settings. In the category "Cut" on the left, you can then move the offset of track change detection using the fields at the bottom. Activate the checkbox, select "After detected change" at the bottom and enter two seconds into the textfield. This setting should get active for the next songs that get recorded. If the first saved songs after adjustment of the setting is still wrong, wait for the next ones.

LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

5 Beiträge
schrieb am 29.08.11 um 06:52 Uhr
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Hello Alex!!

Thank You Man!! This is exactly I suggest!


This is a little adjust that solved too many problems…

I will make a donate for You!;-)
