1 Beitrag
schrieb am 03.07.18 um 14:24 Uhr
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The application is Windows only, these days I'm very often running on MacOS or Ubuntu. I think the application is .net based and I wanted to investigate what is needed to migrate the code base to .net core to make it cross-platform.

However, I cannot find the repository on the website. Does anyone know the repo location?
2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 03.07.18 um 19:02 Uhr zuletzt bearbeitet von alex am 03.07.18 um 19:03 Uhr
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I'd love if the app would be build using .NET but unfortunately it's build using Embarcadero Delphi. To get it natively running on other platforms it has to be compiled using Lazarus which could build it for MacOS or Linux. Since this requires many modifications to the source it's something I have not done and will not be doing.

Here is the source to a slightly outdated version (but it will give you a clue):


If you still want the current source code mail me and you will get it as email attachment.

By the way, even if it is not the same the application works when using wine.
LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

1 Beitrag
schrieb am 11.07.18 um 21:52 Uhr
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I couldn't reset my password, so had to create a new account.

Would you care sharing the current code base? It seems you don't have any problem with opensourcing it. I can put it on a site like github. If putting the source there, under what kind of license would you like to make it available?

I would like to try and make a sort of basic recorder with streamWriter as the inspiration. I think a lot logic can be extracted from the code base. For example, for my needs I don't need the actual player logic, I only require a sort of core that continuously stores a stream and cuts it.
2554 Beiträge
schrieb am 13.07.18 um 18:06 Uhr zuletzt bearbeitet von alex am 13.07.18 um 18:06 Uhr
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streamWriter is open source (GPL3). I uploaded the current source code here:

LG/Best regards, Alex

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
- George Orwell

1 Beitrag
schrieb am 25.09.22 um 16:04 Uhr
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Can you share source code for streamWriter 5.5.x?

I think that I found a bug with text decoding in the stream metadata and want to fix it.
9 Beiträge
schrieb am 19.11.22 um 20:38 Uhr
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You can clone from here https://github.com/bmmlms/streamwriter.git
grüzzi ecxod